Total Visitors, thank-you!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Hello and thank you for visiting this blog. This blog and our web site: are designed to showcase green ideas, technologies, products and our approach to using them all. It is not designed to be the definitive word on these things or a sustainable lifestyle, but rather one voice among many that you can consider for your own life.

Nearly everything we write about here and on the web site is NOT new..... Someone else developed it and at best, we tweaked it a bit. Wherever possible, links will be provided in the text to the original source.

We are gearing this toward people with limited income and resources, as the recent world economy seems to have created a LOT of us as well as forcing millions who thought they would have a comfortable retirement to consider working for the remainder of their lives! Anyone can find information here though!

If you are someone who lives here in west Texas, in the Big Bend area consulting and design assistance is available for the asking. There is no charge for this. We also have many products available for sale, or to refer you to purchase. We only sell what we have used and find of great quality, which is an advantage when you are trying a system for the first time!

Join us on this continuing journey into self sufficiency and restored self esteem.

Since we are among the "walking wounded" of the World economy, money is tight and hard to come by. At the moment, our computer is out of service until we gather funds to replace it. This means that we are unable to post photos, videos and previously stored information..... For a while. Bear with us!

There will be some mention of politics ( we are Liberal and will remain so until the Rebublican Party heals itself from the damages of the "Family Values" zealots and their desire to make America a theistic society). There will be limited political commentary, as well as religious commentary, but there will be some! There will also be comments on some choices that people make, but no intentional individual comments.

In general, everything written here will be here to help guide people to a different lifestyle with less waste, less commercialism and less concern about how others you will NEVER meet, perceive you and drive your spending habits.

I, Robert will be your writer, when I say we, I mean my wife of 32 years, Debbie & I. We never had any children.

Thanks again for visiting!