OK, we really believe that 12/21/12 will be just another day, but with all the hype, being somewhat prepared seemed like a good idea. After all, Narional Geographic came here to film our preparations for "Doomsday", so we needed to be prepared!
BUT...... in all the preparation for what probably will be another Y2K, we have not had extra money to replace our computer and other hardware, yet! So because of this, we have not wanted to just post text. Photos and video are much more fun to have in a blog, but since there may not be photos and video for a couple more months..... like just before 12/21/12, we decided to write some posts to let folks that know us know what we are up to and give folks that don't know us a chance to find out what we are about, doing and preaching! Perhaps the written word can stimulate folks to begin their own journey into individual infrastructure, reuse, recycling, repurposing, keeping it simple and keeping it cheap..... AND, MOST IMPORTANTLY, how to manage to live with dignity despite being fleeced by banksters, conspirators and other Republicans!
So stay tuned