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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I wrote this today and am submitting it to everyone I can. While the illegal gating in Terlingua Ranch is not in the front of everyone's mind, it is there and needs to have a final solution. I think my article offers an opportunity for just that. Gating may not be on everyone's mind, but let a gate appear on YOUR road and it will be all that is on your mind.... I know! ------------------------------------------------------------ Taxes & Gating in Terlingua Ranch We received our proposed tax bill for 2014 this week. It proposes a 258% increase in our property taxes. This is huge, percentage wise, but still a small sum of money. However, it seems to be a PERFECT time to force Brewster County into action regarding the gating of our roads here in Terlingua Ranch by a few ne'er-do-wells! If EVERY Terlingua Ranch property owner protested the valuation of their land, due to the uncertainty of access created by the current poor ruling regarding ONE case, Brewster County would be forced to take definitive action! Some may not want action, but once a gate pops up between them and their property, their opinions can change! With the possibility of having up to 20 gates erected between my property and highway 118, my land is worthless, possibly landlocked and that can be easily shown in a hearing. If enough Terlingua Ranch residents protest their tax valuation and Brewster County is faced with the subsequent revenue loss, they will take decisive action against and to prevent gating. Let's create a group to motivate property owners and solve this problem once and for all! Interested landowners can contact me to get this moving! Robert Earl  432-371-3200 Robert Earl ECO-RANCH.US 400 North Smiling Dog Trail Alpine, TX 79830 432-371-3200 "The measure of a man lies not his potential, but his achievement. Failing in achievement, his worth lies in his effort, or lack of effort in attempting achievement. Enlightenment comes not from amassing fortune, but in gathering knowledge & peace. He who leaves this Life while on the path to enlightenment has accomplished more than a thousand men resting on the side of the path, counting their gold."   "Robert, 2-20-11"